When a man your interested in calls you, that’s a good sign. In the early stages of dating he who calls more has the most interest, and the least control. So ladies LET HIM CALL YOU! With so much competition from other beautiful women in this city you want to remain a mystery. When you are not calling he’s wondering what your up too or who you are with. If he calls chat for 15 minutes max and let him go saying you have to get to the gym or have a dinner date with the girls. Give him space to chase, remember men are hunters so let them hunt!
This means don’t be sitting by your phone waiting for a call or text to come in seeing if he wants to get together, just keep busy ladies and it will happen. Try and let him be the one to set up the date. If he says lets do dinner Thursday night and hasn’t contacted you the day of then don’t sit around waiting with anticipation. And please don’t call him or text him saying “I thought we were doing something tonight”? If it’s slipped his mind, then maybe he’s not worth your time and perhaps it has slipped your mind too! Remember if he’s dying to see you then he would most likely have a meeting time and place already confirmed. I always remind women that you really don’t have a date unless you have a time.
If he contacts you the next day apologizing for not getting together, act like it’s no big deal and tell him about the amazing night you had out with the girls or whatever else you did that was exciting. It’s way too early to start bitching at him for not calling, rather let him work really hard for the next date. As long as you are in control of your own happiness, this won’t bring you down and before you know it someone else will be calling to take you out. Ladies be that BABE in TOTAL CONTROL of your LIFE and you will be amazed what you will attract!
I love this post Shanny!!! Keep up the great work!!