A while back I dated this guy who was your typical fun loving always in the spotlight kind of guy. We had worked together and I know they say never dip your pen in the company ink but back then that didn’t matter. I had done some mad chasing let me tell you, only to find that his defense would go up each time and he would keep pushing me back.
I was like “What’s your problem?” I knew this guy liked me but he was skeptical and all about having fun. Like most women I liked the challenge and thought I could change his way of thinking somehow and eventually he would want to date me. He always said to me that we needed to be friends first. Back then I didn’t get this and often responded “I got enough friends thank you!”
Eventually we had the opportunity to spend more time together as friends which lead to a solid relationship full of love, fun and passion. So today I can’t stress enough how important it is to be someone’s friend first. If the relationship has started out as casual sex then slow things down and really focus on getting to know the other person especially if you see him/her as long term.
Getting to spend time with someone and learn a little more about them each day is the best part of dating. It is so great to reflect back and see that this relationship lead to us being best friends who shared everything from our goals in life, where we wanted to travel, childhood stories, and our professions etc. So next time you hear “Let’s be friends first” don’t run for the hills, instead embrace the opportunity and be grateful that you can call this person a friend and one day your significant other.